The laws on who can point what camera where are a little bit murky, but not regarding stalking. Deliberately breaching someone's privacy is a violation that should not go unchecked and is inappropriate.
Thankfully, you can protect yourself from stalkers, creepers, and other harmful types of this world by taking preemptive steps. Or, if you're worried that someone is already keeping an uninvited eye on you, you can take steps to eliminate or validate your concerns. The technology of today is incredible. With devices such as covert security cameras, GPS detectors, hidden camera detectors, and so much more, you can find something that will suit your needs.
If you feel you are in actual and immediate danger, go straight to law enforcement. However, it's important to understand that the person causing you concern usually has to break the law before the police will do anything about it. Stalking and spying are very murky waters that can get fairly dangerous before anything can be done by anyone other than yourself.
Sometimes, you need to take things into your own hands. Just as bad people can acquire devices to track you without your consent, you can protect yourself by purchasing your own surveillance device to help locate hidden cameras, GPS tracking devices, and any other spyware that might be invading your personal space.
GPS trackers are fairly common in today's world. They're in our mobile phones, utilizing camera and microphone access when you may not remember permitting them to do just that. We're always being tracked one way or another.
There are two ways by which the Professional GPS Detector can find GPS trackers. The first method is through single detection techniques honed in on specific frequencies generally used by GPS trackers. The second is by locating the magnetic fields put off by the magnetic cases that are typically sold along with GPS trackers.
Once it is turned on, the GPS Detector will run a test to find and categorize the base level of signals that are running in the immediate area. It's simple enough to increase or decrease the sensitivity; just press the plus (+) or negative (-) buttons and the number dial will change between 1 and 6 depending on the direction you chose. Hold down the plus (+) button to switch between detecting 2G/4G and 3G frequencies. (Note: You'll need to make sure you are performing your frequency detection sweeps well away from other signal sources that can interfere. The best places to run these sweeps are country roads or empty parking lots.)
Many GPS trackers used on vehicles operate on motion detection. They update their position at a set interval and then go back to sleep when the car is stopped. It's advisable to hop quickly out of your car and walk around the vehicle to look for signals after you have stopped. You can also look for blips of signal strength from the indicator bars as you're driving.
There are spyware apps that you can get on your mobile phone from the Google Play Store (Usually for Android device users) and Apple Store (iPhone devices), but none of the "spy apps" actually work so it's not worth spending the time to install spyware that will just gunk up your storage space. Your phone just doesn't have the necessary technology to get the results you need. The only thing a spy app can do is track a GPS location. It can't find surveillance devices on your car or person. It's just mobile data usage that you don't need to spend.

The Multi-Functional Bug Detector & Hidden Camera Finder is the latest technology in the field of detecting hidden cameras. It is a dual search tool designed specifically to quickly locate hidden camera lenses and wireless hidden devices. It's compact, easy to operate, perfect for travel, and tried and true. It doesn't matter if the hidden camera is on, off, hardwired, or wireless, this device will locate the exact position of the lens. The built-in RF detector can detect wireless frequencies in the range of 10 MHz-10 GHz. It is perfectly wide enough for identifying any wireless camera or bug that's transmitting in the area.
How does it work, then? All cameras must have a lens, no matter how sophisticated they are. The built-in lens finder on this device exploits this weakness by spotting lenses up to 30 feet away. Turn it on, insert the camera detector into the Multi Functional Bug Detector, and the red flashing LED will appear. Look through the red-tinted viewfinder and scan as far as you like for anything that flashes back. If any little dot of light shines back at you, it might be a video recording device and is worth checking out. The next step is to take 5 steps to the left or right while keeping your eyes on the place where the light first appeared. If the light stays, it is likely something unimportant such as the LED bulb on a TV remote. However, if the flashing light disappears, you will need to dive a little deeper.
The reason it works is that the LED light refracts off a coating in the glass lens. Every camera is made with this coating and can't work without it. Until there is a way to manufacture cameras without this coating, this detector will be top-of-the-line.
Perhaps one of the biggest privacy concerns about bugs is a wire being tapped, especially for those of us who still have home phones. The Multi-Functional Bug Detector & Hidden Camera Finder isn't just useful for cameras, as the name suggests, it also detects bugs and can be connected to your POTS line if you still have one.
A phone line can be compromised by the placement of a tap, which reroutes the POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line through a monitoring device. To check for such interference, connect the Multi-Functional Bug Detectors phone mode to the line and take the receiver off the hook to open the line for inspection.
Certain tapping equipment is noise-activated and can be triggered when the line is in use. To counteract this, it may be beneficial to keep the detection device connected to the phone line after the initial sweep, especially if the tapping equipment can be manually activated.
The problem with mobile phones is that you can install a spyware app, parental control apps, or any other apps you install, but you still run the risk of coming across someone you don't want listening into your conversations. While this specific device doesn't help with malicious software, it does protect you from other potentially harmful situations. Bugs aren't limited to wires on landlines, they can be placed anywhere throughout the home, vehicle, or workplace. They can be placed anywhere, so, it's important to be cautious.
Since you're taking steps to protect yourself from devices in place, the next step is to take steps against devices being placed. Our Zetta Max IR Surveillance Camera is small and portable. It's the size of a deck of cards and as inconspicuous, but not nearly as useless. This camera has the ability to record 720P high-definition video and audio with a 160-degree field of view allowing it to cover the largest area possible. It's perfect for corners of rooms and, when creatively placed in a car it can cover the driver, passenger seat, and possibly the back of an average to midsize car.
If you're in the market for a small surveillance camera with night vision, this one is your answer. The infrared feature is what allows it to see about 10 feet in complete darkness and that makes this a perfect security camera for any situation.
With 12 hours of battery life when set to either motion or continuous recording and up to 180 days in standby mode (when set in PIR or vibration mode), the Zmax recorder has one of the longest-lasting battery lives on the market. You can even set this camera to sync its recording with other devices such as smoke detectors. Doing this will extend the battery life even further.
If relying on batteries makes you uncomfortable, you can leave the unit plugged in for indefinite, 24/7 video monitoring. Placing a 256GB SD card within the device makes space for 200 hours of continuous 720P video and audio which can be downloaded onto a Mac or Windows computer without any unknown or risky software that might make you hit "factory reset" on your device. The video can be easily customized with features such as time and date stamps, night and day mode, and more.
A chief concern among users of cameras such as these is that they'll eat up your data or lose connection if there's a storm. There's no need to worry about such things because this camera doesn't utilize the internet. Your plan isn't affected by your camera, and your camera isn't affected by the environment.
Phones have become a large part of our lives. We count them as a safety net when we're out and about, home alone, and all the in-between. We rely on them for instant communication most of all. However, as well as being an excellent resource, phones are also a major distraction. Needing them to always be in your hands makes a lot of space for people to watch or track you without your knowledge.
So, now we're left searching for the balance between using the technology we have readily available and protecting ourselves. Here are some ways you can stay safe when you're out and about.
TUCK YOUR SMARTPHONE AWAY. The reason for this is two-fold: you don't want your phone out where it's easy to snatch, and you don't want to be/look distracted from your surroundings. The best advice we can give is to use headphones or earbuds to stay hands-free.
NOTE: Don't use noise-canceling features when you're alone. Alternatively, you can also use only one earbud. It's important to be able to hear your surroundings, especially when you're walking in an area that isn't full of other people.
SAVE EMERGENCY CONTACTS INTO YOUR PHONE. Chances are, your phone will have the capability to dial emergency services without being unlocked, but that won't necessarily help those services get in touch with your family and friends. Saving emergency contacts into your phone allows for quick access to those people in your life who might have life-saving information.
SHARE YOUR LOCATION. Any time you are planning on being alone or with people you're unfamiliar with, it's crucial to share your location with someone who will be watching. Location sharing is a good tool when we're the ones controlling it. There are plenty of jokes about sharing your location with your long-distance best friend, and while those are funny, the application isn't that useful. There is some value in having someone who could phone when something seems wrong, but, when possible, share your location with someone who lives nearby and could assist you quickly rather than playing phone tag with people who may or may not pick up.
On top of this, tell your people your itinerary and update them if there are any changes. It may seem a little overkill, but it's a very easy, simple, and quick way to add a layer of protection to your outing.
There are times when no one else can help you except for... you. The police are bound by a lot of rules and they're required to walk a tightrope that can allow some situations to get outside of your comfort zone because they aren't technically illegal or there's not enough proof to warrant further investigation.
When you find yourself in those situations, it's important to take steps to protect yourself. Luckily, we are the people who offer those steps to you so that you're not left wondering what on earth to do and how to go about it. We are committed to your protection and satisfaction, which is why we only offer products that we believe will help with if not solve your entire problem. When you shore up your defenses with these highly-recommended devices, you can rest easily at night knowing you are protected by the best of the best.
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- Is Your House Bugged? - Click Here
- Techniques For Sweeping An Airbnb For Hidden Cameras - Click Here
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