GPS Tracking

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Extended Life Waterproof Miniature GPS TrackerStrong magnet. Rated up to sixty pounds.
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Waterproof Miniature GPS TrackerIP67 weatherized.
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While Google Maps shows the driver where to go, Live GPS tracking devices allow you to log into a mobile app or computer web portal and track the beacon's location in real-time as it travels along the road with a vehicle or in a person's pocket. Each account can connect with several hundred real-time GPS tracking devices, making these systems an excellent tool for companies with multiple vehicles to manage or parents wanting to keep an eye on young drivers.

Each versatile GPS tracker can be programmed the same or customized to report different data metrics. For instance, set speed thresholds to be notified of excessive speed and unsafe driving habits specific to your company vehicle or your child's.

You can also set up multiple zone alerts, called geofencing, which will update when the device has left a specific area you set, like a house, business, or school parking lot. Practically anyone with any significant assets, such as a car, truck, van, or trailer, can make good use of a live GPS tracker, so make sure to browse around and check out all the different GPS trackers and accessories we have available.

Real-Time GPS Tracker Features: With a live GPS tracker, you can instantly gain all sorts of information about where your vehicles or significant assets are at any given time. Data gathered by the GPS tracker consolidates into the platform's servers, where you can generate multiple types of reports.

Vapor Trail: When reviewing the location data for any beacon on a map, a vapor trail shows the details of each point where it had updated the position. Use this trail to spot-check that all deliveries were made or that your grounded child's vehicle only goes from home to school and back.

Start-stop Reports: Start-stop reports allow you to see how long a car has been at a particular place, even showing how long it took to reach the following address.

Speeding Reports: This is an excellent feature for companies who are trying to keep track of a lot of vehicles and a lot of drivers. Having speeding reports coming in allows company managers to confront company drivers about their unsafe habits without speculation or vague accusations.

Geofencing: Create geofence boundaries on a map around a school, business parking lot, or your spouse's work, and get notified when the GPS beacon enters or leaves the area. All reports gathered from your real-time GPS tracker's real-time GPS software can be downloaded and printed into a spreadsheet format for easy accounting and review.

Hardwired GPS Trackers vs. Battery-Powered Devices: There are two live GPS tracking devices: hardwired and battery-powered GPS trackers. Hardwire devices are typically used when the user can install and not bother the device, such as tracking a work vehicle. Battery-powered devices are usually used on your person or in other changeable situations. Both are very versatile

Hardwired Trackers: The obvious benefit of a hardwired car GPS tracking device is that you do not need to worry so much about the power since it's tied to the vehicle's battery or fuse box. The downside is that these car GPS trackers require installation, which can become costly unless you are a DIY person.

Battery Powered GPS Trackers: There are many benefits to battery-powered trackers. The battery allows the user to place a GPS tracker just about anywhere it can get a signal or even wear it on your person for safety in troubled areas. The Miniature GPS Tracker is a tracking device that can be used with the standard magnetic case to allow for placement on the exterior of a vehicle or utilize the small design to place it within the car itself. This tracking device includes a panic button to notify emergency contacts of a dire situation if you are carrying it on you, which is excellent for people moving diamonds abroad or other sensitive items. This makes it one of the best car GPS trackers available today.

How much do GPS Tracking Devices Cost? Initially, you may think that the cost of a device like this is a little steep, especially pitted against a few other trackers on the market. But here's the thing: having a quality, tested product will quickly pay for itself in peace of mind and security - both things we shouldn't have to live without.

That being said, the price of any GPS device will vary depending on what kind/brand you buy and its features. On the highest end, you're probably looking at spending between $80 and $200. On the low end, you might get a GPS tracker worth your time for $25 to $60.

No matter what device you're considering buying or in what price range, make sure it has all the features you need before purchasing. It's worth it, but if you're going to go to the time and expense of a GPS tracker, you should ensure you're getting what you pay for.

There are some costs associated with owning and operating a GPS tracker. Most GPS devices will require that you have a monthly subscription service. The price of that service, just like the device itself, will vary depending on what features you want and the quality of the service. Typically, you will see subscriptions between $15 and $50. The subscription is something you will want to investigate before you purchase. Some have weird cancellation fees or unique wording that allows them to skip out on certain features.

Another expense you should consider is that of a waterproof magnetic case. GPS trackers are often exposed to the elements, so ensuring your investment is well-protected is usually worth it to the user. This waterproof, magnetic case is built to withstand the ages and is generally very affordable.

Uses for GPS Vehicle Tracker

Keeping an Eye on Your Teens with a Car GPS Tracker: Every parent already knows how vital their safety, security, and well-being are at all times. But as your children mature into teenagers and young adults, it can be much more challenging to watch where they're spending their time roaming around town. In this case, a GPS tracker for the car might be what you need!

With real-time GPS trackers, no matter where your teen is or who they're spending their time with, you can keep an eye on them in real-time!

A GPS tracker will also give you peace of mind by allowing you to monitor your teen's driving habits via live real-time location tracking results, like speed and excessive idling. Observe it all at your fingertips with mobile applications or from a computer.

Keeping an Eye on Your Teens with a Car GPS Tracker: Every parent already knows how vital their safety, security, and well-being are at all times. But as your children mature into teenagers and young adults, it can be much more challenging to keep an eye on where they're spending their time roaming around town. In this case, a hidden spy GPS tracker for the car might be what you need!

With real-time GPS trackers, no matter where your teen is or who they're spending their time with, you'll be able to keep an eye on them in real time!

A GPS tracker will also give you peace of mind by allowing you to monitor your teen's driving habits, like speed and excessive idling, via live real-time location tracking results. Observe it all at your fingertips with mobile applications or from a computer.

Fleet  Management: Managing a fleet of vehicles is no simple task, so the ability to make life easier by managing a few to several hundred cars and trucks with real-time GPS tracking can be heaven-sent. Hardwired GPS tracking devices will make the most sense if multiple vehicles require fleet management or use a battery-powered unit if you only have one bad actor that can use different company cars.

Reporting: Ensure everyone left when they were supposed to, with geofence reports detailing entry and exit times. Reprimand drivers when they exceed company-regulated thresholds. Track deliveries throughout the day. Gather reports of miles driven for service work.

Security: Whether your vehicle fleet is parked in a secure or unsecured compound, real-time GPS tracking is the perfect addition to the security measures you already have in place.

Versatility: GPS trackers are incredibly versatile and convenient and range in size from being as small as a USB power bank to much larger GPS tracker devices that need to be hardwired into your vehicle for permanent, unlimited security and peace of mind.

Peace of Mind: Real-time GPS tracking is ideal for delivery companies, transportation companies, trucking companies, storage companies, boatyards, car dealerships, and much more! You won't have to worry if your vehicle gets stolen: when the police show up, they can drive to the vehicle’s location and recover it.

Questions about Our Real-Time GPS Tracking Devices? If you have more questions about Our Real-Time GPS Tracking Devices, contact our GPS tracker specialists and sales team for any questions about our real-time tracking devices, device features, battery life, activation or monthly fee information, or anything related to real-time GPS tracking..

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